+998 78 147 00 37

We support the use of a systems approach in business processes and public administration.

What does the service consist of?

1. We examine current business processes
2. Document
3. We give specific recommendations for their optimization or develop a new model of business processes.

Regardless of the level of business maturity, in a certain period the company’s processes need to be adjusted. First of all, business processes are the people who execute them. If a person leaves the process, there is a need to make changes. Our experience shows that any organization has at least 50 business processes.

There is no need to describe and examine every process. You need to keep up to date only the main ones that work to achieve your business goals. Having significant experience, we can offer you a professional examination of the company’s business processes with the involvement of specialized experienced consultants. And the specialized information systems and practices that we implement are designed to help managers control processes.

Are your business processes optimized?

Обращайтесь к экспертам: мы работаем по всему Узбекистану.


(+998) 78 147-00-37




Amir Temur Street 46A, Tashkent

Implemented automation projects:

Protected: Implementation of Service Desk and automation of the incident management process in MyTaxi.
Protected: Optimization of the business process for connecting legal entities.
Protected: Development and implementation of CRM and Service desk system.