+998 78 147 00 37

How do you design your IT infrastructure today?

Expert Pro’s experience is aimed at creating infrastructure IT solutions for your business. Acting as a system integrator and having the necessary qualifications and relevant certificates, we are not tied to one vendor, thus we can build the infrastructure in accordance with your needs.

By working with us, you get rid of the risks associated with a limited selection of available integrator products and get an objective picture of the IT resource needs of your systems. Remember that every GHz, GB, Gbit and IOPS costs significant money. Our clients receive the amount of resources they need and save significantly when purchasing technical equipment.

The choice of supplier remains at your discretion. We are responsible for the confidentiality of design results on our part.

When a system is designed and you have calculations of resources and systems, it’s time to correctly formalize your expectations and develop specification of requirements (SoR). We also help in developing SoR for building an IT infrastructure.

Обращайтесь к экспертам: мы работаем по всему Узбекистану.


(+998) 78 147-00-37




Amir Temur Street 46A, Tashkent

Implemented IT projects:

Protected: Technical support o IT infrastructure.
Protected: Development of specification of requirements for creation of the “Corporate Portal” system.
Protected: Technical support of IT infrastructure.