+998 78 147 00 37

Survey of information security and management processes

A comprehensive information security (IS) survey allows you to assess the current level of security of the company’s IT infrastructure from all sides.

The information security survey includes:

What you will get?

A report on the current state of the ISMS and recommendations for further improvement of the ISMS.

A survey of the information security management system allows you to comprehensively assess the level of security of your organization and make a decision on the need for further development of the ISMS.

An ISMS is an information security management system. It is a set of measures, procedures and tools aimed at ensuring confidentiality, integrity and availability of information in the organization’s information systems. An important part of the information security management system is the establishment of information security policy, identification of vulnerabilities, development and implementation of appropriate information protection measures, and training of personnel in information security issues.

An ISMS also includes processes for monitoring, analyzing information security incidents, and continuous improvement of the protection system. An effective information security management system helps minimize the risks of information security breaches within the organization and ensures compliance with legislative requirements in the field of data protection.

Обращайтесь к экспертам: мы работаем по всему Узбекистану.


(+998) 78 147-00-37




Amir Temur Street 46A, Tashkent

Implemented information security projects:

Protected: Information security survey, development of ISMS documentation and processes
Protected: Technical support of IT infrastructure.
Protected: Information security survey and vulnerability scanning