+998 78 147 00 37

Security is not an end point, but a process.

Training IT teams will be useful for companies that want to improve the competence of their IT department in the field of information security (IS). The training program is selected individually based on your goals.

Training is possible both full-time and part-time.

In person:


Our staff have both theoretical and practical backgrounds, so your team will be able to immediately apply the acquired knowledge in their work. Why does information security protection need constant training?

Information security is one of the fastest growing industries. There are more and more cyber threats, and cyber fraudsters are learning more sophisticated schemes. Therefore, if you have an information security team, they need to constantly learn in order to protect the safety of your data, protect your finances and reputation.

Обращайтесь к экспертам: мы работаем по всему Узбекистану.


(+998) 78 147-00-37




Amir Temur Street 46A, Tashkent

Implemented information security projects:

Protected: Technical support of IT infrastructure.
Protected: Information security survey, development of ISMS documentation and processes
Protected: Information security survey and vulnerability scanning