+998 78 147 00 37

To ensure that your systems and infrastructure are protected, you need to conduct regular penetration tests.

Тестирование систем и инфраструктуры на проникновение (penetration test) – анализ защищённости инфраструктуры компании с помощью моделирования действий злоумышленника по проникновению в информационную систему.

Penetration test allows to:

Penetration testing involves a controlled hacking of a specific part of your system.

Pentest goal:

Testing can be carried out according to three scenarios:

After a certain time after testing, it is recommended to retest, taking into account the detected vulnerabilities and using the information obtained during the initial testing in order to make sure that the previously found vulnerabilities are no longer actual.

Testing is carried out in accordance with international standards and penetration testing methodologies:

In order to guarantee an unbiased and confidential result, we separate our teams that will provide services. The pentest is carried out by a separate group of professionals, not associated with specialists involved in the development and implementation of an ISMS and management of cyber protection means.

Обращайтесь к экспертам: мы работаем по всему Узбекистану.


(+998) 78 147-00-37




Amir Temur Street 46A, Tashkent

Implemented information security projects:

Protected: Information security survey, development of ISMS documentation and processes
Protected: Information security survey, development of ISMS documentation and processes
Protected: Technical support of IT infrastructure.